Installing a CD-ROM

Setup or installation is similar to any other computer program. If you have the necessary privileges (ie. are allowed to install software), follow this procedure:

  1. Insert the CD-ROM in the CD drive, label side facing upwards.
  2. Some CD-ROMs come with an 'AutoPlay' feature - ie. they start up as soon as the CD is inserted into the drive. If this is the case, you can skip to Step 7.
  3. If Autoplay doesn't run, double-click on the My Computer icon on the top left-hand side of the Desktop.
  4. Double-click on the Control Panel icon in the My Computer window that appears.
  5. Double-click on the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Control Panel window as illustrated below.
  6. Using Microsoft Encarta as an example, a screen will appear prompting you to click Setup. Click this button, and then the Next button. You will now be asked to enter the licensee's name.
  7. After entering the licensee's name, click Next. The screen asks you which directory or folder you want the software to be installed in. You can accept the default directory suggested by Setup, but if you wish to install the CD into a specific location, you can insert the path name here. Then click on Next.

A status bar will appear on the screen, showing you the progress of the installation. When completed the screen will display a Finish button. Click the Finish button and you will be given two options - Run (which will run the CD-ROM) or Cancel (which returns you to Windows).

Contents: Using CD-ROMs

Skill Check: Using CD-ROMs