Organising E-mail Messages into Folders

As with any other Windows system, folders (or directories) can be set up to store e-mails so that you can find them easily. These folders can be placed anywhere in your personal folder on Microsoft Exchange, the e-mail software.

  1. Open Microsoft Exchange.
  2. In the window that appears, on the left-hand side will be a series of folders.
  3. Wherever you want to put your new folder, click on it once to highlight it, then go to the File menu and select New Folder. Type in the name of your new folder.
  4. The new folder will appear as a subfolder of the selected one. For example, if you have called your new folder "Courses" in the Inbox folder, it will appear as illustrated below. You could either have a series of folders running from the selected area (eg. Inbox) or subfolders from secondary folders, also illustrated below:

Transferring E-mail Files into Folders

  1. In the right-hand window, click on the e-mail message you want to file.
  2. Drag and drop the file - ie. hold the mouse button down on the message you wish to transfer and then move the mouse so that the cursor is positioned over the folder you wish to transfer the message to. Note - the name of the folder should automatically gain a blue highlight when you're over the folder.
  3. Let go of the mouse button. The file is then transferred.

If you need to select more than one e-mail, click the first one in the right-hand window with the mouse arrow. Hold down the left mouse button and simultaneously press and hold down the Ctrl (or Control) key on the keyboard.

Click the next e-mail, and this will also be selected. On completion, drag and drop over to the folder in the left-hand window.

Contents: E-mail

Skill Check: E-mail