Exercise 1: Creating Your First Equation

The following operators are used when constructing equations in Microsoft Excel:

  • + Addition
  • - Subtraction
  • * Multiplication
  • / Division

Enter the following data:

  • Complete the spreadsheet to calculate the total weekly pay for each employee and the total weekly pay for all four employees.
  • To calculate the total for all four employees, enter the formula =Sum(E3:E6) in cell E7. This is a more convenient method of totalling a column or row instead of entering the following: =E3+E4+E5+E6.
  • Save your spreadsheet as Payroll Example 1.
  • Close the file.

A new employee has started with the company. We need to enter the new employee's name Smythe in cell B7 and amend the Total figures to include the new employee's details.

  1. Open the file Payroll Example 1.
  2. Select cell A7.
  3. On the Menu Bar, click Insert and then select Rows from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter the details of the new employee Smythe in row 7.

The spreadsheet does not recognise the significance of two decimal places unless the user formats the cell to show two decimal places. The user needs to identify the cells they wish to display as currency. Highlight the cells, which represent currency (columns D and E).

  1. Highlight columns D and E which represent currency.
  2. Click on the Comma Style button on the Toolbar.

Check that your spreadsheet appears as below.

Save your spreadsheet as Payroll Example 2 and then attempt the following exercise:

Calculate the total cost of each product and the total cost of the three items. You can check your answer here.

  • The price of towels has increased to 9.95, amend the spreadsheet accordingly.
  • Insert a new row to include the purchase of five Flannels at 1.99 each, amend the appropriate formulae.
  • Ensure all currency cells are displayed to two decimal places.

Contents: Spreadsheets

Skill Check: Spreadsheets