Exercise 7: Editing and Replacing Text

Create a new document and type in the passage of text below. Once that is done, follow the instructions after the text.

Working from Home
Research has shown that going to work causes stress and even illness. A healthy business needs healthy staff but workers are actually being ill by factors such as traffic chaos, accidents, transport strikes and delays.

The average worker spends two hours a day travelling to and from their job - an additional 25% on top of their working hours. In bad weather conditions, journeys can be long and very unpleasant and the dramatically rising levels of pollution have lead to an enormous rise in the incidence of asthma. The common cold, influenza and other virus infections spread rapidly in a stuffy working environment and poor ventilation can cause headaches and sinus troubles.

A report by a management consultant for a group of bosses suggest that the solution is to allow people to work from home - 'tele-working' is the term used to describe it. It has been shown that tele-workers take less time off sick and do an average of 45% more work.

The country currently loses over 400 million working days through sickness per year.

Approximately seven in ten bosses will try tele-working before the end of the century as developments in information technology make links between home and the office more sophisticated.

Electronic mail (e-mail) is the key to tele-working. Documents can be written and transmitted without the use of paper, messages can be seen at any time - locations and time zones do not need to be taken into considerations as the communication is stored on the computer until the 'mailbox' is opened by the individual concerned.

It is estimated that almost two million people are now working from home in Britain. They can go into their office after rush hour and at a time which suits them. This results in a happy and productive workforce.


  1. Save your work as 'Working from Home'.
  2. Underline and centre the heading using Arial size 14, bold.
  3. Make the rest of the text Arial size 12.
  4. Insert the word 'made' in the first paragraph, second line - after the word 'being' and before the word 'ill'.
  5. After paragraph four, leave twelve clear lines so that a diagram could be inserted.
  6. Indent both your right and left margins by 0.5". Justify this paragraph.
  7. Double line space the first three paragraphs.
  8. Cut paragraph four and paste it so that it joins the rest of paragraph two.
  9. Search for the word 'job' and replace with 'employment' as follows:
    • Go to the Edit menu and select Replace.
    • Type in the Find What box the word 'job'.
    • Type in the Replace With box the word 'employment'.
    • Click on Replace.

Contents: Word Processing

Skill Check: Word Processing