How Might We Help You?

We can:

  • Provide advice on the development of school policies - eg. behaviour policy, anti-bullying, restraint.
  • Training - eg. Anger Management, Circle Time etc.
  • Attend reviews and information exchange meetings
  • Provide written advice for statements and reports.
  • Assess the behavioural needs of individual pupils.
  • Work with schools or groups of schools to identify and consider how best they might provide for a continuum of difficulties.
  • Input into Individual Education Plans (IEPs), Individual Behaviour Plans (IBPs) and Pastoral Support Plans (PSPs).
  • Work with individual pupils as part of an initial assessment or ongoing monitoring.
  • Work with individuals who are in danger of exclusion or deemed to have emotional difficulties.
  • Advise about resources where possible and their use.

How Might You Help Us?

  • Identify whether a pupil's behavioural difficulties could be the result of other factors, such as language, sensory or learning difficulties.
  • Familiarise yourself with the referral procedures for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
  • Provide us with documentation, which is relevant to the referred difficulty or individual - eg. school policies, IEPs etc.

Neath Port Talbot's Inclusive Education Service is one that:

  • Celebrates diversity and respects everyone's right to education in their local community.
  • Provides access to high quality learning experiences for every child and adult.
  • Encourages and supports individuals to realise their ambitions, achieve their potential and become active and responsible members of society.

Some of the strategies included on this site may be unfamiliar and we are available to give fuller explanations or provide training for those outlined. Schools may wish to consider what else they might provide in-house or within clusters by pooling resources - eg. school counsellors, learning mentors, nurture groups, lunchtime clubs etc.

Referral to the Behaviour Support Service should be made via your school SENCO.