Project Software
Software: Sammy's Science House

Introduce Young Pupils to the Wonders of Science
Sammy's Science House introduces and builds early science and thinking skills while engaging young children with five different activities. Pupils sort names of plants, animals, and minerals at the Sorting Station, construct toys and machines in the Workshop, learn about animal habitats at Acorn Pond, and manipulate weather variables with the Weather Machine.

Sammy also offers interactive, creative activities such as Make-A-Movie, where students arrange pictures in sequence to understand how multiple parts create a whole.

Sammy's Science House
  • Targets early learning science skills
  • Immediate and positive feedback enhances learning, rewards persistence, and guides pupils to success
  • Explore & Discover and Question & Answer modes provide opportunities for independent and structured learning
  • Spoken and graphical instructions allow pre-readers and early readers to explore the program independently.

Learning Opportunities

  • Discriminate attributes
  • Construct objects
  • Follow patterns
  • Manipulate weather variables
  • Investigate animal habitats
  • Observe seasonal changes
  • Explore classifications
  • Name plants, animals, rocks and fungi
  • Build logical sequences
Sammy's Science House

Discover the Wonders of Nature
What do shrews eat? Why does a squirrel flick its tail? Visit Acorn Pond during winter, spring, summer, and autumn to explore its fascinating wildlife.

Sammy's Science House

Make Your Own Weather
Kids learn weather terms, experiment with temperature, wind, and precipitation, and see how different variables affect weather.

Sammy's Science House

Play with the Order of Things
Lights, camera, action! Kids learn about beginnings, middles, and ends and explore how things in nature change over time as they arrange frames of film in logical sequences to Make-A-Movie.

Sammy's Science House

Construct in the Workshop
Clocks tick, wheels spin, and robots spring to life as kids follow blueprints or create original machines and toys.

Sammy's Science House

Drop in at the Sorting Station
Three horns... it's a triceratops! Kids sort pictures of objects and learn the names of plants, animals, rocks and fungi.

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